Jason Brennan Insightful Presentation and Answer to the Question Who is the Richest 1%.

Jason Brennan is a philosopher and business professor at George Town University and a noted author. If you missed his presentation Why It Ok to Want to Be Rich, you can still listen to the recording here.

Do not be confused by the title, Brennan deals with some of the fundamental issues we are faced with as a society and about government policy. What is the role of Corporations and Businesses? What is their responsibly to promote the economic and social wellbeing of the population? How can they best “Give Back?” What about the wealthy? How should they be taxed? What about the super-rich? Should they even be allowed to exist? Where do the Super rich keep their wealth? Who are the richest one percent in the world?

Brennan does a great job dealing with the sensitive but extremely important issues. And some of information is likely to surprise you!

To watch the recorded presentation click below or go to https://youtu.be/OYEaQnt2sNc .