Our New Grand Puppy

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We have a new grand puppy--that makes four grand dogs. The existing three include Cleo and Pearl, Stephen and Robin’s French Bull Dogs and Leeloo, Katherine and Tom Davis’s black Lab. The newcomer is a yellow Lab named Rummy. At least, that is the current nickname that Katherine and Tom have given her. Her full name is Rumble Boogie.

For those who don’t remember what it is like to bring a puppy home, Katherine reports that no one in her house has had a full night’s sleep since they took delivery about a week ago. Last night was the worst since Rummy discovered a dead field mouse in the back yard and ATE IT!

Aside from being grossed out, the family was up most of the night making sure that she didn’t have any ill effects. Which they were expecting. Yes, there were calls to the vet, whose advice was to feed her white rice and watch her for 24 hours in case the mouse might have succumbed to poison. The 24 hours are up and so is the puppy—no worse as a result of her dietary preference. In fact, reports are that she keeps returning to the mouse spot apparently looking for another delicious dead treat

Well, I suppose puppies keep you young!

For signed copies of books by Tom Collins, go to TomCollinsAuthor.com. Unsigned print and eBook editions are available on Amazon, Google Play, Apple iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and other online bookstores. Audio editions are available on Amazon, iTunes and directly from Audible.com. Check out the latest book by Tom Collins, Stories from Applewood Manor, that explores Asheville, North Carolina’s History, Mysteries, Ghosts, and Tall Tales.  
Published by I-65 North, Inc.