
What One Reviewer Had To Say


The reviewer preceded his review comments with the statement that Beyond Visual Range should be required reading. Since my writing is financed from royalties that would be great—I wish! While it will not become required reading, I hope you will read it and if you do, I hope you will post a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or another book related site.

The technology exists. The possibilities are all too real... and frightening. Once I started into it, I couldn't stop reading until the end. It was captivating and well written all the way through.

Politics usually sends me off in another direction when I'm looking for something good to read, but the technical aspects got my attention. This novel peels the skin from the flesh and bone of our everyday life. Not only can this happen; some or all of it probably is happening. Not only is our future in the balance, our very existence is too.

Right now, you can still take advantage of the one month sale ending June 31st. Until then you can purchase the Kindle edition for only $0.99. July 1st the price reverts to $4.99. And don’t forget that the audio editions of Diversion and The Claret Murders are currently on sale for $7.49. Shortly Beyond Visual Range will also be available in an audio edition. Production has been completed, we are just waiting on Audible to distribute the finished product to Amazon, iTunes and other retailers.

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For signed copies of books by Tom Collins, go to Unsigned print and eBook and audio editions are available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online bookstores.
Published by I-65 North, Inc.

The X-37B Returns to Space


According to an article in Science Alert the mysterious X-37B space plane is returning to orbit, And for once we are being told why. Are you really sure about that? You can read the May 7, 2020 article by Christopher Wood by clicking on Science alert.  Or, you could just read about the X-37B in the fictional work Beyond Visual Range,  and  let your imagination run wild.

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For signed copies of books by Tom Collins, go to Unsigned print and eBook editions are available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online bookstores. Audio versions of The Claret Murders and  Diversion are available from iTunes, Audibles and Amazon. eBook editions are also available through Apple iTunes’ iBook’s Store and
 Be sure to check out the latest Tom Collins Novel, Beyond Visual Range on Amazon.
Published by I-65 North, Inc.

What is your new book, "Beyond Visual Range", about?

drone pilot.jpg

Right now, we have an impeachment trial in progress. The country is divided about that, but what if the military was on the side of the President and some of them decided to do something about it. Could that happen in this country.  In Beyond Visual Range one high ranking flag officer says—“In the face of such Congressional treachery, we will no longer keep our weapons holstered.”  As the story of a runaway military revolt unfolds, the story unveils the wounds of war suffered by our drone pilots.  We think of drone pilots as remote warriors fighting our war from the safety of their armchairs thousands of miles away from the front lines.  The truth is many suffer terrible injuries—what some call  moral injuries.

Beyond Visual Range is a Mark Rollins adventure mystery, so as readers of the series would expect, the story has Nashville and Middle Tennessee at its core, but the adventure includes action at 65,000 feet above Cuba, in Hurlburt Field Florida,  at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey,  in Syria, in the rain forest of Brazil,  in Nevada , and 400 kilometers above the surface of the Earth—in outer space.

Beyond Visual Range is targeted for a March 2020 release.  The price of the hard cover edition is $29.00, but the prerelease price for a signed copy is $15.00 with free shipping.  To purchase your signed copy at the prerelease price go to  

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For signed copies of books by Tom Collins, go to Unsigned print and eBook editions are available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online bookstores. Audio versions of The Claret Murders and  Diversion are available from iTunes, Audibles and Amazon. eBook editions are also available through Apple iTunes’ iBook’s Store and 
Published by I-65 North, Inc.