
The Cake Angel

I’m a cancer survivor—one who beat the odds. So far, to do so has meant three major operations, chemo, and radiation. After the first operation, I remember waking up in the hospital to listen to the surgeon tell me that he had been unable to remove all of the offending tumor. I should go home and put my affairs in order. I had two years to live, maybe. The team at Tennessee Oncology took over and thanks to them I am cancer free, at least for now.   The Oncology team is determined to keep it that way monitoring my health closely. That means regular visits to the clinic and my little slice of cake from the Cake Angel.

Everyone at Tennessee Oncology has been visited by the Cake Angel.  I don’t know her name or her story, but I would like to know both.  What I do know is that every day this nice lady brings a basket of freshly baked cakes to the clinic for the patients. She calls her goodies bread—Zucchini bread, banana, chocolate chip, cinnamon nut, butter pecan, etc. What an unselfish act.

Cancer is scary. Hours in a chemo chair with poison dripping in your veins is hard. It is a little less scary and chemo is just a little easier because of the Cake Angel.

A good person might do something nice once in a while. What elevates this lady to Angel status is that she does her nice thing every single day. That kind of dedication to a task she has created for herself can only be an act of love. Knowing that we have caring people like the Cake Angel in this world is sweeter that the daily slice of bread she offers to each of us.
Me on Chemo

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Published by I-65 North, Inc.